Pass or Fail: Using the IF Formula to Calculate Student Results in Excel

In Excel, you can use the IF formula to calculate whether a student has passed or failed based on their marks. The basic syntax for the formula is:

=IF(condition, value if true, value if false)

To check if a student's marks are greater than or equal to 40, the condition would be:

A1 >= 40 (A1 is the cell where student's marks are stored)

If the condition is true (i.e. the student's marks are greater than or equal to 40), the formula would return "Pass". If the condition is false (i.e. the student's marks are less than 40), the formula would return "Fail". So the formula would be:

=IF(A1 >= 40, "Pass", "Fail")

You can also use this formula in other cells to check for other students.
Below is the step wise procedure shown with images for better understanding.
To watch a video tutorial you can visit the linkЁЯСЙVideo Tutorial
 Otherwise you can learn through stepwise procedure written below

1. Write all the data in organized way as shown in below picture

2. We have decided the criteria of marks. So we will enter a formula accordingly. Type a criteria as logical test.

3. Now type a result to be printed if criteria is met. i.e. if marks are >=40, then Pass should be printed.

4.Now type a result to be printed if marks are less than 40 i.e. Fail

5. Now press Enter key and drag the formula up to last cell.

6.In this way result of all student is calculated in few seconds using if formula. In below image failed students are highlighted with Red color

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